Friday, June 30, 2017

Juleen/Joe leave and Julie/Harold see a few more Bergen sights

Juleen and Joe slept late -- very late, attempting to stock up on sleep that they don't get enough of in the US.  They then ran for a bit, had breakfast, packed, and off they went for the airport.  They fly from Bergen to Copenhagen and from Copenhagen to JFK.  They have a tight turnaround before their flight from JFK to Pittsburgh.

Harold and Julie emptied the dishwasher -- yay, the dishes were clean, and they cleaned the kitchen.  Harold also found time to walk around Bergen Art District before they packed and headed to the Hotel Admiral, their last hotel stay before they board the cruise ship.

the arts district in Bergen

Harold and Julie spent the day at the three museums associated with the Hanseatic League, the German economic group that swapped fish for wheat.   This group took over Bryggen's commerce in 1300 and continued for almost 400 years.  They were clannish (didn't mix with the locals) and secretive about how they operated so efficiently.  They were also all-male.  We visited the Hanseatic League Museum and the musuem that housed their social and educational rooms, and the kitchen.  Because of the fear of fire, no kitchens were allowed in the main areas where they lived and did their business.  Then we trekked over to the Maritime Museum and Julie learned that cod liver oil comes from the liver of cod.  Who knew?  A highlight was taking a shuttle boat back to the main wharf area in Bergen.

After that, Harold went to see more of the Hanseatic League Museum, and Julie did a little shopping.

After an unsuccessful attempt to eat at a great little restaurant Joe found for us, we ate at the Fish Market for the second time today.  All was good and a fitting end to our final full day in Bergen.

One last thing -- Bergen gets about 60 sunny days a year, with rain being predominant.  We were lucky enough to be here during four consecutive beautiful days, two of them with full sun, and none of them with rain.  Our server at the restaurant said it had rained for about 2 weeks straight previously, so the natives were thrilled to see the sun -- and so were we.

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